COVID-19 | LCID Researchers in the News


Texas Tropical Network

March 18, 2022
Erik Iverson and Brian Sedio have kicked of the Texas Tropical Network. I'm looking forward to it.

INS graduate student, Maddie Dwortz, authors review article

February 25, 2022

INS gradduate student, Maddie Dwortz (Curley Lab), was first author on a review article entitled "Neural systems that facilitate the representation of social rank," published in the Philisophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.

Dwortz MF, Curley JP, Tye KM, Padilla-Coreano N. Neural systems that facilitate the representation of social rank. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2022 Feb 28;377(1845):20200444.

Read more about INS graduate student, Maddie Dwortz, authors review article
Green Jay

Green Jay western range limit

February 15, 2022
I recently banded two Green Jays in Del Rio, TX, which is the absolute western range limit. Beyond Del Rio, the habitat is mostly Chihuahuan desert and not suitable for the species. We'll have to see if they continue alogn the Rio Grande to the Big Bend area. 

Congratulations, Sumit Sinha!

January 27, 2022
Sumit defensed his PhD thesis successfully and became Dr. Sinha! He is going to Harvard for his postdoc training. Congratulations and good luck! 
Prof Keitt with motmot

Yucatan field work

January 27, 2022
PI Keitt spent several weeks catching birds in the Yucatan this winter as part of our ConTex-funded Geen Jay project. We bled 5 more jays brining our total to 7 for the region. We're now up to 30 blood samples in Texas.  Read more about Yucatan field work