COVID-19 | LCID Researchers in the News

Brager Lab publishes in Journal of Neuroscience

June 30, 2021
Greg Ordemann, an INS graduate student, is the first author on a paper from the Brager Lab published in the Journal of Neuroscience entitled “Altered A-type potassium channel function impairs dendritic spike initiation and temporammonic long-term potentiation in Fragile X syndrome.”
Ordemann GJ, Apgar CJ, Chitwood RA and Brager DH. (2021) Altered A-type potassium channel function impairs dendritic spike initiation and temporammonic long-term potentiation in Fragile X syndrome Journal of Neuroscience. 41 (27) 5947-5962 
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Nurdle Patrol app

Track Plastic Pellets with the New Nurdle Patrol Phone App

June 18, 2021

The Nurdle Patrol Citizen Science Project has just released a mobile phone app that allows citizen scientists to log their plastic pellet data from their phone. This app is available for both iOS and Android devices and will streamline data entry by having a profile set up for each user. The app also allows users to see their current location and use that location for entering their survey information. The first time the user downloads the app, they will need to create a profile. This will only need to be done once, then the user is set up to be able to input nurdle survey data quickly

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New grants

June 14, 2021
The Williamson Lab has recently received two new grants from the Administration for Children and Families to study relationship interventions in adults and adolescents. We are looking for undergraduate research assistants to work on these and other ongoing projects. See a description of the projects here, and get information on how to apply for an RA position Read more about New grants
PT2050 Folks

Send off for Dave (Planet Texas 2050 Program Director)

May 26, 2021
It's been over a year since I first joined into the Planet Texas 2050 project and yesterday was the first time I had met many of my collaborators in person! What a year its been! We met to wish Dave Kramer, our earstwhile program director, happy travels and good luck in his new adventures in Boston. He was a great part of the project and will be missed.

Saying goodbye

May 18, 2021

Our lovely undergraduate research assistant Ashley is sadly leaving us this summer. She's been an great asset to our projects and has contributed wonderfully to our lab!!

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New preprint posted

May 18, 2021

The Williamson Lab recently completed a large-scale review of the relationship science literature to determine the extent to which samples used in this area of research are diverse and inclusive of under-represented groups. Across 750 studies, we found that the modal participant in a study of romantic relationships is 30 years old, White, American, middle-class, college educated, and involved in a different-sex, same-race relationship. Additionally, only 68 studies (9%) focused on traditionally underrepresented groups (i.e., non-White, low-income, and/or sexual and gender minorities).

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