COVID-19 | LCID Researchers in the News

Graduate student Thao Nguyen publishes first authored manuscript in Personal Relationships

February 22, 2020
A first-authored paper by graduate student Thao Nguyen is now in press at Personal Relationships. This paper is part of the journal's Special Issue on Relationship Science and the Credibility Revolution, in which we submitted a pre-registered analysis plan, received an in principle acceptance of the manuscript based on the expected theoretical contributions, then collected the data and completed the analyses and the Read more about Graduate student Thao Nguyen publishes first authored manuscript in Personal Relationships

Postdoc Opportunity

February 5, 2020
With funding from the University of Texas at Austin's Energy Institute, we announce a position for a postdoctoral researcher to work with our integrative team to study ecohydrology in rocky ecosystems. The work will involve a combination of ecological and hydrologic data analysis, theory, and simulations and could include geospatial analysis and fieldwork in the Texas hill country. Candidates with a history of working across fields of ecology and hydrology are particularly encouraged. However, a strong interest in interdisciplinary work is all that is required.

The postdoc will have Read more about Postdoc Opportunity

Post-doctoral research opportunity in the ecohydrology of plants rooted in bedrock

February 4, 2020

With funding from the University of Texas at Austin’s Energy Institute, we announce a position for a postdoctoral researcher to work with our integrative team to study ecohydrology in rocky ecosystems. The work will involve a combination of ecological and hydrologic data analysis, theory, and simulations and could include geospatial analysis and fieldwork in the Texas hill country. Candidates with a history of working across fields of ecology and hydrology are particularly encouraged. However, a strong interest in interdisciplinary work is all that is required. 


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number of nurdles to make plastic grocery bag

How many nurdles does it take?

December 24, 2019

Ever wondered how many plastic pellets (nurdles) it takes to make every day house hold products? Well, we sat down with a scale to find out. These numbers are not exact due to various factors, but they give us a good estimate for how many nurdles it takes to make certain items. Some of the factors that make this not exact are that most of the nurdles we used for this are low density polyethylene (PE) found on shorelines. Some of the items we were weighing were made of polypropylene or PET, which have slightly different densities that PE. Other factors are that depending on where the

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