COVID-19 | LCID Researchers in the News

New publication in Journal of Family Psychology

October 31, 2019
Dr. Williamson has published a new paper, along with collaborators at the University of Georgia and UCLA, that examines the relationship processes and outcomes of couples who get married after having a child, in comparison to couples who started marriage without a child. Results show that among couples who entered marriage with a shared biological child (premarital parents), satisfaction levels were lower and Read more about New publication in Journal of Family Psychology

Short course in Data Visualization

October 30, 2019

There is still room in our popular "Data Visualization" course! This course will be offered Monday, November 11 from 1-4 p.m. The course introduces both principles and practice of scientific data visualization, especially as applied to large multivariate data sets. Will cover common methods of visually summarizing data and illustrating relationships between variables of various common types (continuous, categorical, etc.) as well as design concepts for increasing the clarity of quantitative graphical communication. Will introduce modern "grammar of graphics" ideas as

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SICB 2018

Hot off the press: Mitonuclear special issue at ICB!

October 26, 2019
This week a special issue of Integrative and Comparative Biology dropped highlighting papers from our symposium on mitonuclear ecology. This issue contains 14 papers on everything from mother's curse to speciation, all in light of mitonuclear interactions. These include reviews, primary research articles, and descriptions of hypotheses. Study systems range from plants to invertebrates to vertebrates. Not sure where to start exploring this mitonuclear Read more about Hot off the press: Mitonuclear special issue at ICB!

Petroleum Pollution Analysis with Ramped Pyrolysis GC–MS LCGC Europe spoke to Zhanfei Liu from the Marine Science Institute at the University of Texas at Austin, Texas USA, about the advantages of ramped pyrolysis GC–MS to analyze petroleum pollution

October 14, 2019
Interview by Alasdair Matheson, Editor-in-Chief, LCGC Europe

Q. You recently developed a method using ramped pyrolysis-gas chromatography–mass (Py-GC– MS) spectrometry to analyze petroleum pollution related to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill (1). How did this project arise?

A: Understanding the chemical composition of oil residues is essential for the oil-spill community, response team, and decision makers because the chemistry is related to evaluating toxicity of oil in environments and developing the appropriate response and remediation strategies. The traditional

Read more about Petroleum Pollution Analysis with Ramped Pyrolysis GC–MS LCGC Europe spoke to Zhanfei Liu from the Marine Science Institute at the University of Texas at Austin, Texas USA, about the advantages of ramped pyrolysis GC–MS to analyze petroleum pollution

Nicole Keller awarded the Fred Murphy Jones & Homer Lindsey Bruce Endowed Fellowship

October 3, 2019
Nicole Keller, an INS graduate student in Dr. Joey Dunsmoor's lab, was awared the Fred Murphy Jones & Homer Lindsey Bruce Endowed Fellowship.  This fellowship is awarded through the Waggoner Center to a gradaute student working on alcoholism or addiction research.  The awardee is selected on the basis of academic merit and reserach achievement by a committee of Wagoner Center faculty. Read more about Nicole Keller awarded the Fred Murphy Jones & Homer Lindsey Bruce Endowed Fellowship