Anderson Nogueira

Anderson Nogueira

Active Member
Headshot of Anderson Nogueira

Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Anderson confronted the inadequacies of the public school system head-on, and he supported his father’s second job on construction sites, assisting with electrical work. At 14, Nogueira secured his first formal job, which funded his enrollment in a private high school. He ventured into the tech industry, and in a pivotal moment, he secured a night shift position while attending college during the afternoon. Nogueira eventually secured a coveted position at IBM, where he became a prominent figure known for his innovative contributions as he achieved numerous corporate awards, ultimately becoming a member of “Platinum Club," a prestigious group for top 1% performers worldwide at Microsoft. 

In 2007, the company extended an offer to Nogueira to relocate to the US, where he and his wife embarked on the journey as first-generation immigrants in Parkland, Florida. Nogueira is now the executive of a $65 million book of business in cloud services, across 160 mid-market clients in the manufacturing and life sciences industries in the US West for Microsoft.  He has been in the technology industry for 31 years, worked for other iconic companies like IBM, Apple and Microsoft, and is part of one of the greatest enterprise transformations in the tech industry. At Microsoft, Nogueira is also part of Worldwide Small & Mid-Market Corporate Field Council, alongside with 20 other people, from different geographies, roles, age groups and backgrounds, to be a direct-line to the Senior Leadership in the company, being the voice of their customers and partner ecosystem, discussing ideas and concepts to improve the impact of Microsoft services and vetting programs and offerings before it gets deployed globally. Nogueira also dedicates his time to causes close to his heart, including raising funds for multipule sclerosis through hundreds of miles of cycling, helping clean homes throughout Houston after Hurricane Harvey's devastation, and volunteering with "Watch D.O.G.S." (Dad Of Great Students), helping to keep the areas around his childrens' schools safe. 

A true globetrotter, Nogueira explored 34 countries and developed proficiency in three languages. In 2021, he embarked on a new journey – that of an entrepreneur – with the goal of achieving financial independence and inspiring others to rise above their circumstances. Anderson's determination, coupled with his unwavering commitment to family and community, serves as a beacon of hope and resilience for generations to come.