
Brandon E Campitelli, Amanda M Kenney, Robin Hopkins, Jacob Soule, John T Lovell, Thomas E Juenger; Genetic mapping reveals an anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway gene potentially influencing evolutionary divergence between two subspecies of scarlet gilia (Ipomopsis aggregata), Molecular Biology and Evolution, msx318,

Milano, E., Kenney, A. and T.E. Juenger.  2016. Adaptive differentiation in floral traits in the presence of high gene flow in scarlet gilia (Ipomopsis aggregata). Molecular Ecology 25: 5862-5875.

Stearns, F, Boles, S, Hurston, H., Vo, T., Butler, D., Shuham, W. and T. Juenger. 2008. Identification of nuclear microsatellite loci for Ipomopsis aggregate and the distribution of pairwise relatedness in a natural population. Molecular Ecology Resources 8: 437-439.

Juenger, T., Morton, T.C., Miller, R.E., and J. Bergelson. 2005. Scarlet gilia resistance to insect herbivory: the effect of early season browsing, plant apparency, and phytochemistry on patterns of seed fly attack. Evolutionary Ecology 19: 79-101.

Juenger, T. and J. Bergelson. 2000. The evolution of compensation to herbivory in scarlet gilia, Ipomopsis aggregata; herbivore-imposed natural selection and the quantitative genetics of tolerance. Evolution 54: 764-777.

Juenger, T. and J. Bergelson. 2000. Factors limiting rosette recruitment in scarlet gilia, Ipomopsis aggregata: seed and microsite limitation. Oecologia 123: 358-363.

Juenger, T. and J. Bergelson. 1999. Does early season browsing influence the effect of self-pollination in scarlet gilia? Ecology 81: 41-48.

Juenger, T. and J. Bergelson. 1998. Pairwise and diffuse natural selection and the multiple herbivores of scarlet gilia, Ipomopsis aggregata. Evolution 52: 1583-1592.

Juenger, T. and J. Bergelson. 1997. Resource and pollen limitation of compensation to herbivory in scarlet gilia, Ipomopsis aggregata. Ecology 78: 1684-1695.

Bergelson, J., Juenger, T. and M.J. Crawley. 1996. Regrowth following herbivory in Ipomopsis aggregata: compensation but not overcompensation. The American Naturalist 148: 744-755.