Welcome to the Aldrich Lab

We are a research group within the Department of Neuroscience at the University of Texas at Austin.
We model the behavior and mechanisms of ion channels and their modulators.


Dr. Richard Aldrich
Norman Hackerman Building (NHB) 4.504
Department of Neuroscience
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas

Interested in Joining?

We love training budding scientists and we may have room to train you if you are a right fit.
This lab is the perfect place for students who:
- love molecular biology, biochemistry, or neuroscience
- have at least 10 hours to commit each week towards training and general lab duties, ideally a full summer and continuing throughout school year
- are independent thinkers ready to take their scientific curiosity into their own hands (with our guidance)
If this sounds like you, please contact the lab and we will set up a time to meet.
All others interested in joining the lab, please contact the lab for availability.