October 2022

Savarese AM, Grigsby KB, Jensen BE, Borrego MB, Finn DA, Crabbe JC, and Ozburn AR.Corticosteronelevels and glucocorticoid receptor gene expression in high drinking in the dark mice and theirheterogeneous stock (HS/NPT) founder line..” Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience, 16, Pp. 821859. Abstract
The High Drinking in the Dark (HDID-1) line of mice has been selectively bred for achieving high blood alcohol levels (BALs) in the Drinking in the Dark task, a model of binge-like drinking. Recently, we determined that glucocorticoid receptor (GR) antagonism with either mifepristone or CORT113176 (a selective GR antagonist) reduced binge-like ethanol intake in the HDID-1 mice, but not in their founder line, HS/NPT. Here, we examined whether the selection process may have altered glucocorticoid functioning by measuring (1) plasma corticosterone levels and (2) expression of the genes encoding GR (Nr3c1) and two of its chaperone proteins FKBP51 and FKBP52 (Fkbp5 and Fkbp4) in the brains (nucleus accumbens, NAc) of HDID-1 and HS/NPT mice. We observed no genotype differences in baseline circulating corticosterone levels. However, HDID-1 mice exhibited a greater stimulated peak corticosterone response to an IP injection (of either ethanol or saline) relative to their founder line. We further observed reduced basal expression of Fkbp4 and Nr3c1 in the NAc of HDID-1 mice relative to HS/NPT mice. Finally, HDID-1 mice exhibited reduced Fkbp5 expression in the NAc relative to HS/NPT mice following an injection of 2 g/kg ethanol. Together, these data suggest that selective breeding for high BALs may have altered stress signaling in the HDID-1 mice, which may contribute to the observed selective efficacy of GR antagonism in reducing binge-like ethanol intake in HDID-1, but not HS/NPT mice. These data have important implications for the role that stress signaling plays in the genetic risk for binge drinking.
Wolfe SA, Vozella V, and Roberto M.The synaptic interactions of alcohol and the endogenous cannabinoidsystem..” Alcohol research:current reviews, 42, 1, Pp. 03. Publisher's Version Abstract

Purpose: A growing body of evidence has implicated the endocannabinoid (eCB) system in the acute, chronic, and withdrawal effects of alcohol/ethanol on synaptic function. These eCB-mediated synaptic effects may contribute to the development of alcohol use disorder (AUD). Alcohol exposure causes neurobiological alterations similar to those elicited by chronic cannabinoid (CB) exposure. Like alcohol, cannabinoids alter many central processes, such as cognition, locomotion, synaptic transmission, and neurotransmitter release. There is a strong need to elucidate the effects of ethanol on the eCB system in different brain regions to understand the role of eCB signaling in AUD.

Search methods: For the scope of this review, preclinical studies were identified through queries of the PubMed database.

Search results: This search yielded 459 articles. Clinical studies and papers irrelevant to the topic of this review were excluded.

Discussion and conclusions: The endocannabinoid system includes, but is not limited to, cannabinoid receptors 1 (CB1), among the most abundantly expressed neuronal receptors in the brain; cannabinoid receptors 2 (CB2); and endogenously formed CB1 ligands, including arachidonoylethanolamide (AEA; anandamide), and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG). The development of specific CB1 agonists, such as WIN 55,212-2 (WIN), and antagonists, such as SR 141716A (rimonabant), provide powerful pharmacological tools for eCB research. Alcohol exposure has brain region-specific effects on the eCB system, including altering the synthesis of endocannabinoids (e.g., AEA, 2-AG), the synthesis of their precursors, and the density and coupling efficacy of CB1. These alcohol-induced alterations of the eCB system have subsequent effects on synaptic function including neuronal excitability and postsynaptic conductance. This review will provide a comprehensive evaluation of the current literature on the synaptic interactions of alcohol exposure and eCB signaling systems, with an emphasis on molecular and physiological synaptic effects of alcohol on the eCB system. A limited volume of studies has focused on the underlying interactions of alcohol and the eCB system at the synaptic level in the brain. Thus, the data on synaptic interactions are sparse, and future research addressing these interactions is much needed.

Varodayan FP, Patel RR, Matzeu A, Wolfe SA, Curley DE, Khom S, Gandhi PJ, Rodriguez L, Bajo M, D'Ambrosio S, Sun H, Kerr TM, Gonzales RA, Leggio L, Natividad LA, Haass-Koffler CL, Martin-Fardon R, and Roberto M.The amygdala noradrenergic system is compromised with alcohol use disorder..” Biological Psychiatry, 91, 12, Pp. 1008–1018. Publisher's Version Abstract

Background: Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a leading preventable cause of death. The central amygdala (CeA) is a hub for stress and AUD, while dysfunction of the noradrenaline stress system is implicated in AUD relapse.

Methods: Here, we investigated whether alcohol (ethanol) dependence and protracted withdrawal alter noradrenergic regulation of the amygdala in rodents and humans. Male adult rats were housed under control conditions, subjected to chronic intermittent ethanol vapor exposure to induce dependence, or withdrawn from chronic intermittent ethanol vapor exposure for 2 weeks, and ex vivo electrophysiology, biochemistry (catecholamine quantification by high-performance liquid chromatography), in situ hybridization, and behavioral brain-site specific pharmacology studies were performed. We also used real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction to assess gene expression of α1B, β1, and β2 adrenergic receptors in human postmortem brain tissue from men diagnosed with AUD and matched control subjects.

Results: We found that α1 receptors potentiate CeA GABAergic (gamma-aminobutyric acidergic) transmission and drive moderate alcohol intake in control rats. In dependent rats, β receptors disinhibit a subpopulation of CeA neurons, contributing to their excessive drinking. Withdrawal produces CeA functional recovery with no change in local noradrenaline tissue concentrations, although there are some long-lasting differences in the cellular patterns of adrenergic receptor messenger RNA expression. In addition, postmortem brain analyses reveal increased α1B receptor messenger RNA in the amygdala of humans with AUD.

Conclusions: CeA adrenergic receptors are key neural substrates of AUD. Identification of these novel mechanisms that drive alcohol drinking, particularly during the alcohol-dependent state, supports ongoing new medication development for AUD.

Rodriguez L, Kirson D, Wolfe SA, Patel RR, Varodayan FP, Snyder AE, Gandhi PJ, Khom S, Vlkolinsky R, Bajo M, and Roberto M.Alcohol Dependence Induces CRF Sensitivity in Female Central Amygdala GABA Synapses.” International journal of molecular sciences, 23, 14, Pp. 7842. Abstract
Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a chronically relapsing disease characterized by loss of control in seeking and consuming alcohol (ethanol) driven by the recruitment of brain stress systems. However, AUD differs among the sexes: men are more likely to develop AUD, but women progress from casual to binge drinking and heavy alcohol use more quickly. The central amygdala (CeA) is a hub of stress and anxiety, with corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF)-CRF1 receptor and Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA)-ergic signaling dysregulation occurring in alcohol-dependent male rodents. However, we recently showed that GABAergic synapses in female rats are less sensitive to the acute effects of ethanol. Here, we used patch-clamp electrophysiology to examine the effects of alcohol dependence on the CRF modulation of rat CeA GABAergic transmission of both sexes. We found that GABAergic synapses of naïve female rats were unresponsive to CRF application compared to males, although alcohol dependence induced a similar CRF responsivity in both sexes. In situ hybridization revealed that females had fewer CeA neurons containing mRNA for the CRF1 receptor (Crhr1) than males, but in dependence, the percentage of Crhr1-expressing neurons in females increased, unlike in males. Overall, our data provide evidence for sexually dimorphic CeA CRF system effects on GABAergic synapses in dependence.
Piekarski DJ, Zahr NM, Zhao Q, Sullivan EV, and Pfefferbaum A.Alcohol's effects on the mouse brain aremodulated by age and sex..” Addiction Biology, 27, 5, Pp. e13209. Publisher's Version Abstract
Binge alcohol consumption is common among adolescents and may impair normal brain development. Emerging, longitudinal studies in adolescents suggest that the effects of binge alcohol exposure on brain structure differ between sexes. To test the hypothesis that the effects of binge alcohol exposure on developmental brain growth trajectories are influenced by age of exposure and sex, adolescent and adult, male and female C57Bl/6 mice (n = 32), were exposed to a binge-like ethanol (EtOH) exposure paradigm (i.e., 5 cycles of 2 on/2 off days of 5 g/kg EtOH intraperitoneal) or served as saline controls. Longitudinal structural magnetic resonance imaging was acquired at baseline, following binge EtOH exposure, and after 2 weeks of recovery. Alcohol treatment showed interactions with age and sex in altering whole brain volume: adolescents of both sexes demonstrated inhibited whole brain growth relative to their control counterparts, although significance was only attained in female mice which showed a larger magnitude response to EtOH compared to male mice. In region of interest analyses, the somatosensory cortex and cerebellum showed inhibited growth in male and female adolescent mice exposed to EtOH, but the difference relative to controls did not reach multiple comparison-corrected statistical significance. These data suggest that in mice exposed to binge EtOH treatment, adolescent age of exposure and female sex may confer a higher risk to the detrimental effects of EtOH on brain structure and reinforce the need for direct testing of both sexes.
Patel RR, Varodayan FP, Herman MA, Jimenez V, Agnore R, Gao L, Bajo M, Cuzon Carlson VC, Walter NA, Fei SS, Grant KA, and Roberto M.Synaptic effects of IL-1β and CRF in the central amygdala after protracted alcohol abstinence in male rhesus macaques.” Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 47, 7, Pp. 847–856. Publisher's Version Abstract
A major barrier to remission from an alcohol use disorder (AUD) is the continued risk of relapse during abstinence. Assessing the neuroadaptations after chronic alcohol and repeated abstinence is important to identify mechanisms that may contribute to relapse. In this study, we used a rhesus macaque model of long-term alcohol use and repeated abstinence, providing a platform to extend mechanistic findings from rodents to primates. The central amygdala (CeA) displays elevated GABA release following chronic alcohol in rodents and in abstinent male macaques, highlighting this neuroadaptation as a conserved mechanism that may underlie excessive alcohol consumption. Here, we determined circulating interleukin-1β (IL-1β) levels, CeA transcriptomic changes, and the effects of IL-1β and corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) signaling on CeA GABA transmission in male controls and abstinent drinkers. While no significant differences in peripheral IL-1β or the CeA transcriptome were observed, pathway analysis identified several canonical immune-related pathways. We addressed this potential dysregulation of CeA immune signaling in abstient drinkers with an electrophysiological approach. We found that IL-1β decreased CeA GABA release in controls while abstinent drinkers were less sensitive to IL-1β's effects, suggesting adaptations in the neuromodulatory role of IL-1β. In contrast, CRF enhanced CeA GABA release similarly in controls and abstinent drinkers, consistent with rodent studies. Notably, CeA CRF expression was inversely correlated with intoxication, suggesting that CRF levels during abstinence may predict future intoxication. Together, our findings highlight conserved and divergent actions of chronic alcohol on neuroimmune and stress signaling on CeA GABA transmission across rodents and macaques.
Initial contact with alcohol generally occurs during adolescence, and high consumption during this period is associated with increased risk for later alcohol (AUDs) and/or substance use disorders (SUDs). Rodents selectively bred for high or low alcohol consumption are used to identify behavioral characteristics associated with a propensity for high or low voluntary alcohol intake. The multivariate concentric square field™ (MCSF) is a behavioral test developed to study rodents in a semi-naturalistic setting. Testing in the MCSF creates a comprehensive behavioral profile in a single trial. The current aim was to examine the behavioral profiles of adolescent, bidirectionally selectively bred male and female high alcohol-consuming (P and HAD1/2) and low alcohol-consuming (NP and LAD1/2) rat lines, and outbred Wistar rats. Alcohol-naïve rats were tested once in the MCSF at an age between postnatal days 30 and 35. No common behavioral profile was found for either high or low alcohol-consuming rat lines, and the effect of sex was small. The P/NP and HAD2/LAD2 lines showed within pair-dependent differences, while the HAD1/LAD1 lines were highly similar. The P rats displayed high activity and risk-associated behaviors, whereas HAD2 rats displayed low activity, high shelter-seeking behavior, and open area avoidance. The results from P rats parallel clinical findings that denser family history and risk-taking behavior are strong predictors of future AUDs, often with early onset. Contrarily, the HAD2 behavioral profile was similar to individuals experiencing negative emotionality, which also is associated with a vulnerability to develop, often with a later onset, AUDs and/or SUDs.
Kreifeldt M, Herman MA, Sidhu H, Okhuarobo A, Macedo GC, Shahryari R, Gandhi PJ, Roberto M, and Contet C.Central amygdala corticotropin-releasing factor neurons promote hyponeophagia but do not control alcohol drinking in mice.” Molecular Psychiatry, 27, 5, Pp. 2502–2513. Publisher's Version Abstract
Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) signaling in the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) plays a critical role in rodent models of excessive alcohol drinking. However, the source of CRF acting in the CeA during alcohol withdrawal remains to be identified. In the present study, we hypothesized that CeA CRF interneurons may represent a behaviorally relevant source of CRF to the CeA increasing motivation for alcohol via negative reinforcement. We first observed that Crh mRNA expression in the anterior part of the mouse CeA correlates positively with alcohol intake in C57BL/6J males with a history of chronic binge drinking followed by abstinence and increases upon exposure to chronic intermittent ethanol (CIE) vapor inhalation. We then found that chemogenetic activation of CeA CRF neurons in Crh-IRES-Cre mouse brain slices increases gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) release in the medial CeA, in part via CRF1 receptor activation. While chemogenetic stimulation exacerbated novelty-induced feeding suppression (NSF) in alcohol-naïve mice, thereby mimicking the effect of withdrawal from CIE, it had no effect on voluntary alcohol consumption, following either acute or chronic manipulation. Furthermore, chemogenetic inhibition of CeA CRF neurons did not affect alcohol consumption or NSF in chronic alcohol drinkers exposed to air or CIE. Altogether, these findings indicate that CeA CRF neurons produce local release of GABA and CRF and promote hyponeophagia in naïve mice, but do not drive alcohol intake escalation or negative affect in CIE-withdrawn mice. The latter result contrasts with previous findings in rats and demonstrates species specificity of CRF circuit engagement in alcohol dependence.
Khom S, Rodriguez L, Gandhi P, Kirson D, Bajo M, Oleata CS, Vendruscolo LF, Mason BJ, and Roberto M.Alcohol dependence and withdrawal increase sensitivity of central amygdalar GABAergic synapses to the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist mifepristone in male rats..” Neurobiology of disease, 164, Pp. 105610. Publisher's Version Abstract
Aberrant glucocorticoid signaling via glucocorticoid receptors (GR) plays a critical role in alcohol use disorder (AUD). Acute alcohol withdrawal and protracted abstinence in dependent rats are associated with increased GR signaling and changes in GR-mediated transcriptional activity in the rat central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA). The GR antagonist mifepristone decreases alcohol consumption in dependent rats during acute withdrawal and protracted abstinence. Regulation of CeA synaptic activity by GR is currently unknown. Here, we utilized mifepristone and the selective GR antagonist CORT118335 (both at 10 μM) as pharmacological tools to dissect the role of GR on GABA transmission in male, adult Sprague-Dawley rats using slice electrophysiology. We subjected rats to chronic intermittent alcohol vapor exposure for 5-7 weeks to induce alcohol dependence. A subset of dependent rats subsequently underwent protracted alcohol withdrawal for 2 weeks, and air-exposed rats served as controls. Mifepristone reduced the frequency of pharmacologically-isolated spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic currents (sIPSC) in the CeA (medial subdivision) without affecting postsynaptic measures in all groups, suggesting decreased GABA release with the largest effect in dependent rats. CORT118335 did not significantly alter GABA transmission in naïve, but decreased sIPSC frequency in dependent rats. Similarly, mifepristone decreased amplitudes of evoked inhibitory postsynaptic potentials only in dependent rats and during protracted withdrawal. Collectively, our study provides insight into regulation of CeA GABAergic synapses by GR. Chronic ethanol enhances the efficiency of mifepristone and CORT118335, thus highlighting the potential of drugs targeting GR as a promising pharmacological avenue for the treatment of AUD.
Figueroa AG, Benkwitz C, Surges G, Kunz N, Homanics GE, and Pearce RA.Hippocampal β2-GABA A receptors mediate LTP suppression by etomidate and contribute to long-lasting feedback butnot feedforward inhibition of pyramidal neurons..” Journal of neurophysiology, 126, 4, Pp. 1090-1100. Publisher's Version Abstract
The general anesthetic etomidate, which acts through γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptors, impairs the formation of new memories under anesthesia. This study addresses the molecular and cellular mechanisms by which this occurs. Here, using a new line of genetically engineered mice carrying the GABAA receptor (GABAAR) β2-N265M mutation, we tested the roles of receptors that incorporate GABAA receptor β2 versus β3 subunits to suppression of long-term potentiation (LTP), a cellular model of learning and memory. We found that brain slices from β2-N265M mice resisted etomidate suppression of LTP, indicating that the β2-GABAARs are an essential target in this model. As these receptors are most heavily expressed by interneurons in the hippocampus, this finding supports a role for interneuron modulation in etomidate control of synaptic plasticity. Nevertheless, β2 subunits are also expressed by pyramidal neurons, so they might also contribute. Therefore, using a previously established line of β3-N265M mice, we also examined the contributions of β2- versus β3-GABAARs to GABAA,slow dendritic inhibition, because dendritic inhibition is particularly well suited to controlling synaptic plasticity. We also examined their roles in long-lasting suppression of population activity through feedforward and feedback inhibition. We found that both β2- and β3-GABAARs contribute to GABAA,slow inhibition and that both β2- and β3-GABAARs contribute to feedback inhibition, whereas only β3-GABAARs contribute to feedforward inhibition. We conclude that modulation of β2-GABAARs is essential to etomidate suppression of LTP. Furthermore, to the extent that this occurs through GABAARs on pyramidal neurons, it is through modulation of feedback inhibition.NEW & NOTEWORTHY Etomidate exerts its anesthetic actions through GABAA receptors. However, the mechanism remains unknown. Here, using a hippocampal brain slice model, we show that β2-GABAARs are essential to this effect. We also show that these receptors contribute to long-lasting dendritic inhibition in feedback but not feedforward inhibition of pyramidal neurons. These findings hold implications for understanding how anesthetics block memory formation and, more generally, how inhibitory circuits control learning and memory.
