Research Overview

What Do We Study?

Oconvergence NADur lab seeks to understand how metabolism superimposes its regulation on cellular processes.

We’re currently focused on the regulation of a key intermediary metabolite, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide or NAD+.



Why do we care about NAD+?

This dinucleotide is synonymous with life, as there is no sustainable production of ATP without NAD+. Further, it has roles in post-translational modifications as the substrate and adduct used by Parp and Sirtuin enzymes, as well as in 2nd messenger signaling as the precursor for ADP-Ribose and cyclic-ADP-Ribose.

oxidoreduction and signaling

Our Approach?

Our group develops and employs genetically encoded fluorescent sensors to measure free NAD+ in different parts of cells. These sensors have high spatial and temporal resolution and are used to take measurements in physiological contexts, both in real-time and non-invasively.



Most recently, our work with the mitochondrial sensor led to insight into how human mitochondria replenish their NAD+ levels and harness cellular energy (read about it here). This critical pool of NAD+ is typically the last to be depleted at the expenseof cytoplasmic or nuclear pools when a cell is faced with stress.

What is the benefit?

Because maintenance of mitochondrial NAD+ is important for cell heath, how NAD+ gets into mitochondria is likely important in pathogenesis. We’re excited because this new regulatory point we’ve identified could represent a new disease etiology and also holds potential as a target for intervention.
