Publications by Year: 2018

Kupfer R, Quevedo HJ, Smith HL, Lisi LA, Tiwari G, Richmond CG, Bowers BB, Fang L, Hegelich BM. Cascade random-quasi-phase-matched harmonic generation in polycrystalline ZnSe. Journal of Applied PhysicsJournal of Applied Physics [Internet]. 124 (24) :243102. Publisher's Version
Peebles J, Arefiev, V A, Zhang S, McGuffey C, Spinks M, Gordon J, Gaul EW, Dyer G, Martinez M, Donovan ME, et al. High-angle deflection of the energetic electrons by a voluminous magnetic structure in near-normal intense laser-plasma interactions. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 98 (5).Abstract
The physics governing electron acceleration by a relativistically intense laser is not confined to the critical density surface; it also pervades the subcritical plasma in front of the target. Here particles can gain many times the ponderomotive energy from the overlying laser and strong fields can grow. Experiments using a high-contrast laser and a prescribed laser prepulse demonstrate that development of the preplasma has an unexpectedly strong effect on the most energetic, superponderomotive electrons. The presented two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations reveal how strong, voluminous magnetic structures that evolve in the preplasma impact high-energy electrons more significantly than low-energy ones for longer pulse durations and how the common practice of tilting the target to a modest incidence angle can be enough to initiate strong deflection. The implications are that multiple angular spectral measurements are necessary to prevent misleading conclusions from past and future experiments.
Gaul E, Cheriaux G, Antipenkov R, Batysta F, Borger T, Friedman G, Greene JT, Hammond D, Heisler J, Hidinger D, et al. Hybrid OPCPA/Glass 10 PW laser at 1 shot a minute, in 2018 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO). IEEE.Abstract
The 10PW OPCPA/glass laser under construction for ELI-Beainlines will exhibit output pulses delivered every minute with an energy of 1.5kJ within 150fs duration. We will show results of the sub-sections as well as output performances.
Quevedo HJ, Zhang G, Bonasera A, Donovan M, Dyer G, Gaul E, Guardo GL, Gulino M, La Cognata M, Lattuada D, et al. Neutron enhancement from laser interaction with a critical fluid. PHYSICS LETTERS A. 382 (2-3) :94-98.Abstract
We discuss experimentally and theoretically neutron production from the laser driven explosion of gas clusters prepared near the liquid-gas critical point. We let deuterated methane that was prepared very close to its critical temperature and pressure expand through a conical nozzle to create clusters, and then irradiated those clusters with a high intensity pulse from the Texas Petawatt Laser. After ionization, the clusters explode producing energetic ions, some of which fuse with resultant neutron emission. We show that the critical fluctuations present in the nozzle before the expansion influence the dynamics of neutron production. Neutron production near the critical point follows a power law, which is a signature of a second order phase transition and it is consistent with the Fisher model. This result might be relevant for energy production from fusion reactions. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Batysta F, Antipenkov R, Borger T, Kissinger A, Green JT, Kananavicius R, Cheriaux G, Hidinger D, Kolenda J, Gaul E, et al. Spectral pulse shaping of a 5 Hz, multi-joule, broadband optical parametric chirped pulse amplification frontend for a 10 PW laser system. OPTICS LETTERS. 43 (16) :3866-3869.Abstract
We present a broadband optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA) system delivering 4 J pulses at a repetition rate of 5 Hz. It will serve as a frontend for the 1.5 kJ, <150 fs, 10 PW laser beamline currently under development by a consortium of National Energetics and Ekspla. The spectrum of the OPCPA system is precisely controlled by arbitrarily generated waveforms of the pump lasers. To fully exploit the high flexibility of the frontend, we have developed a ID model of the system and an optimization algorithm that predicts suitable pump waveform settings for a desired output spectrum. The OPCPA system is shown to have high efficiency, a high-quality top-hat beam profile, and an output spectrum demonstrated to be shaped consistently with the theoretical model. (C) 2018 Optical Society of America