COVID-19 | LCID Researchers in the News

Colgin lab publishes in Nature Translational Psychiatry

January 10, 2024

The Colgin Lab published a research article entiteld, "Ank3 mouse model of epilepsy-bipolar disorder comorbidity" in Nature Translational Psychiatry. The research reveals the potential comorbid role the gene ankyrn 3 (ANK3) may play in bipolar disorder and epilepsy. ANK3 is a leading bipolar disorder (BD) candidate gene and has also been shown to be invovled in

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Dr. Michael Drew elected member of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology

December 14, 2023

Dr. Michael Drew was elected to full member stats in the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ANCP).

The American College of Neuropsychopharmacology is an international organization of leading brain scientists. Sceintists are selected for membershipon the basis of their original research contributions, and are drawn from diverse subfields of neuroscience, including behavioral pharmacology, clinical psychopharmacology, epidemiology, genetics, molecular biology, neurochemistry, neuroendocrinology, neuroimaging, neuroimmunology, neurophysiology, neurology,

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Congratulations to Dr. Williamson

November 21, 2023
Dr. Williamson was recently awarded the Early Career Contributions to Couple Relationships Award by the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Couples Special Interest Group, which was presented (in absentia) at the ABCT annual conference in Seattle last week. Congratulations!
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Fulbright Mediterranean Research Seminar

November 21, 2023
This past weekend Dr. Williamson attended the Fulbright Mediterranean Research Seminar in Alicante, Spain.  Fulbright Scholars who are conducting research in Mediterranean countries across all disciplines were in attendance. Dr. Williamson presented preliminary results from research conducted in collaboration with colleagues at the Universidad de Granada examining the impact of close relationships on health and well-being in Spain and the U.S.

Dr. Thibaud Taillefumier chosen as a 2024-25 Provost's Mentored Faculty Scholar

November 16, 2023

Dr. Thibaud Taileefumier was among the 17 junior facluty selected from across the University to participate in the Provost’s Mentored Faculty Scholars interdisciplinary mentorship program.

The Provost’s Mentored Faculty Scholars program augments traditional, within-department faculty mentoring at UT by facilitating 1:1 mentor-mentee pairing across departments, or even across colleges.  This program offers a 1 year scholarship for junior faculty to engage with mentors to work on a range of activities, including proposals for external funding, scholarly

Read more about Dr. Thibaud Taillefumier chosen as a 2024-25 Provost's Mentored Faculty Scholar