Actuarial Exams

Whether you are heading for the SOA or the CAS career path, passing exams are vital to the process of becoming an actuary. 

Note: The first three exams of SOA can be transferred to the first three exam in CAS. 

SOA Associate of Society of Actuaries (ASA) First Five Exams:

  1. Exam P (Probability)
  2. Exam FM (Financial Mathematics)
  3. Exam IFM (Investment and Financial Markets)
  4. Exam STAM (Short-Term Actuarial Mathematics)
  5. Exam LTAM (Long-Term Actuarial Mathematics)

SOA ASA 2022 pathway with recommended UT coursesMore details on SOA Pathway:

*Note, there will be a curriculum change. More detail please visit

SOA ASA Pathway

CAS Associate Membership First Five Exams:

  1. Exam 1 (Probability)
  2. Exam 2 (Financial Mathematics)
  3. Exam 3F (Financial Economic)
  4. Exam MAS-1 (Modern Actuarial Statistics I)
  5. Exam MAS-2 (Modern Actuarial Statistics II)

CAS Pathway

More details on CAS Pathway: