COVID-19 | LCID Researchers in the News

Drs. Audrey Brumback and Jon Pierce receive grant from NIH to study the role or genetics in autism

August 15, 2023

The important role of genetics in autism development has become increasingly obvious. Many genes implicated in autism are so fundamental to basic neurobiology that species as diverse as worms and humans share them. After discovering that natural variability in autism-related genes correlates with alterations in worm social behavior, Audrey Brumback, MD, PhD, pediatric neurologist and an assistant professor in the Department of Neurology, and Jon Pierce, PhD, in UT Austin’s College of Natural Sciences, hypothesized that these changes could provide a

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Brian with hybrid jay

Possible Blue X Green Jay hybrid!

June 21, 2023
We heard reports of an odd jay at a feeder in San Antonio. Postings looked good for a Green X Blue Jay hybrid. We have been tracking the expansion of the Green Jay range in Texas and had also noticed that Blue Jays are also expanding South and West. The ranges have only recently come into contact, so this was an unexpected and truely remarkable discovery. Intrepid graduate student Brian Stokes managed to capture the bird. I will be excited to Read more about Possible Blue X Green Jay hybrid!

An Improved Aperiodic Monotile

June 14, 2023

Hot on the heels of the discovery of the "one-in-a-million" shape "Einstein" in March, a new shape called "Spectre" might be the true owner of the title.

The new shape, which they called "Spectre," was discovered by tweaking an "equilateral version" of the hat, a shape that didn't initially seem to have the aperiodic tiling ability.

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Seeking postdoctoral scholar

June 8, 2023
The Resilience In Species and Ecosystems project is searching for a postdoctoral scholar to join our team. Please find the advertisement in the link below.

Tropical to temperate forest dynamics and their potential influences on plant performance strategies, a theory-data fusion approach

June 1, 2023

NSF CAREER award. We are happy to announce a new five-year grant for research, education, and outreach. In this project, we will study the differences and similarities in forest dynamics across biomes. We will use our findings to determine the effects of the differences in forest dynamics

Read more about Tropical to temperate forest dynamics and their potential influences on plant performance strategies, a theory-data fusion approach

FDA Approves RSV Vaccine Utilizing McLellan and NIH Research

May 30, 2023

The Food and Drug Administration recently approved the first-ever respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for older adults that utilizes research developed by a team that includes LCID Member Jason McLellan and scientists at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This vaccine culminates a decades-long search for an effective tool to prevent this illness which can be deadly to children and older adults.

McLellan, along with NIH researchers Barney Graham and Peter Kwong, has been working for several years on structure-based vaccine design

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Welcoming New Topology Faculty Fall 2023

May 28, 2023

We are delighted to welcome Anthony Conway, Irving Dai, Maggie Miller, and Lisa Piccirillo to our tenure stream faculty. The research areas of our new colleagues are in Topology, and they will arrive at UT in Fall 2023. Anthony Conway is joining us from a postdoctoral appointment at MIT. Irving Dai is joining us from an NSF postdoctoral appointment at Stanford University. Maggie Miller was awarded a Maryam Mirzakhani New Frontier Award in 2023, and a Clay Research Fellowship in 2021. She is currently a Clay Fellow at Stanford University. Lisa Piccirillo was awarded a Maryam

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