What is the DRP?
The Directed Reading Program (DRP) is a summer program run by the Groups & Dynamics RTG. The DRP pairs undergraduate math students with graduate student mentors in order to undertake independent study projects in a mathematical topic of their choosing. Undergraduate students may apply for the DRP and, if accepted, will be assigned an appropriate mentor. We do our best to pair students and mentors who have similar mathematical interests.
Projects could be based on reading through a book or an article, but are not limited to such things. The goal is to cover material that isn't typically covered in a standard undergraduate math course. Mentors and students will choose their projects together based on the student's interests.
The Summer 2024 DRP will begin on May 28, and will end with a virtual symposium on July 13 and July 14.
We understand that not everyone has access to a perfect internet connection nor is in the Austin time zone. If you think you would be unable to participate in the symposium, do not worry - this will not affect your application. Later in the semester we will send out an email to gather information on the symposium and begin discussing alternatives on a case-by-case basis.
Student/mentor meetings will be virtual unless otherwise decided by the student/mentor. Due to internet limitations there is some flexibility in how the meetings can happen. They might take place through Zoom, or through a combination of phone calls and email.
The DRP student is required to have an hour-long meeting twice a week with their mentor to discuss progress towards the goal of the project. Approximately three hours of independent work by the student is expected between meetings. At the end of the semester, there will be a DRP virtual symposium, where each student will give a 15-25 minute presentation on the semester's work.
For full consideration, please submit your application by March 18. We will continue accepting applications after this date, until all vacancies are filled.
Other programs
The RTG will be supporting the DRP in Summer 2024. For information about the spring or fall DRP, visit the UT math department's DRP website.