Objective 1. Comparatively sequence transcriptomes in targeted stages of fiber development in G. hirsutum and G. barbadense.
Objective 2. Test functions of the genes associated with fiber cell initiation and cell wall thickening.
Objective 3. Develop a sequence-based BAC physical map in allotetraploid cotton (G. hirsutumL.) using the restriction site-associated DNA (RAD) technology coupled with ultra-deep sequencing.
Objective 4. Integrate SSRs, ESTs, and genome-specific repetitive DNAs into BAC contigs. This will pave the road to sequence tetraploid cotton genomes.
Objective 5. Develop and expand a scalable outreach program in plant genomics and bioinformatics for middle and high school teachers of local school districts and for graduate students pursuing MSc degrees in Bioinformatics and Biotechnology at two HBCUs in the Mississippi Delta. This is one of the most needed areas for outreach in the U.S.