Dr. Kyongmo An Former Graduate StudentKorea Research Institute of StandardsGoogle ScholarGraduated in May 2016
Dr. Daniel Birt Former Graduate StudentSr. Process Engineer at Intel CorporationLinkedInGraduated in Mar. 2013.
Dr. Megan Creasey Former Graduate StudentSystems Engineer at Ventana Medical Systems LinkedInGraduated in May 2012. Thesis: “Self-Assembled Quantum Dots in Advanced Structures”
Dr. Kavir Dass Former Graduate StudentPhysicist at Air Force Research LaboratoryLinkedInGraduated in Jun. 2015.
Dr. Kai Hao Former Graduate StudentPostdoctoral Researcher at the University of ChicagoGoogle ScholarGraduated Summer 2018
Dr. Tom Hartsfield Former Graduate StudentStaff Scientist at Los Alamos Research LabGraduated Summer 2018
Prof. Thomas W. Jarvis Former Graduate StudentAssistant Professor at Eastern Kentucky UniversityWebsiteGraduated in Oct 2011. Thesis: “Novel Tools for Ultrafast Spectroscopy”.
Dr. Timothy Nate Nunely Former Graduate StudentArmy Research Laboratory Postdoctoral ResearcherGoogle ScholarLinkedInGraduated in Summer 2022.
Dr. Daniel Ratchford Former Graduate StudentStaff Scientist at the Naval Research LaboratoryGoogle ScholarGraduated in Dec. 2011. Thesis: “Manipulating Fluorescence Dynamics in Semiconductor Quantum Dots and Metallic Nanostructures”
Dr. Kevin Sampson Former Graduate StudentProcess Engineer at Intel CorporationLinkedInGraduated in Summer 2022
Prof. Akshay Singh Former Graduate StudentAssistant Professor at the Indian Institute of ScienceWebsiteGoogle ScholarGraduated in May 2016
Dr. Kemal Sobotkiewich Former Graduate StudentSenior OR developer at IBS Canada LinkedInGraduated Aug. 2019
Dr. Liuyang Sun Former Graduate StudentShanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information TechnologyGraduated Summer 2018