Publications by Author: Al-Mahboob, Abdullah

Man, M. K. L. ; Madéo, J. ; Sahoo, C. ; Xie, K. ; Campbell, M. ; Pareek, V. ; Karmakar, A. ; Wong, L. E. ; Al-Mahboob, A. ; Chan, N. S. ; et al. Experimental measurement of the intrinsic excitonic wave function. Science Advances 7 eabg0192.
Madéo, J. ; Man, M. K. L. ; Sahoo, C. ; Campbell, M. ; Pareek, V. ; Wong, L. E. ; Al-Mahboob, A. ; Chan, N. S. ; Karmakar, A. ; Mariserla, B. M. K. ; et al. Directly visualizing the momentum-forbidden dark excitons and their dynamics in atomically thin semiconductors. Science 370, 1199–1204.