
The Welch Foundation

Welch FoundationThe Welch Foundation is one of the United States’ oldest and largest private funding sources for basic chemical research.  The general policy is to support fundamental chemical research at universities, colleges, or other educational institutions within the state of Texas. The Welch Foundation has been funding WSSP since the program was first implemented in early 1980s.


Associated Chemistry Teachers of Texas


ACT2The Associated Chemistry Teachers of Texas, ACT2, is a statewide non-profit organization of elementary through college teachers and supervisors and those interested in science education who are dedicated to maintaining the highest levels of chemistry education in Texas schools.  The Association is an affiliate of the Science Teachers Association of Texas, the largest organization in the state committed to promoting excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning.


Texas State Teachers Association

TSTAFounded in 1880, TSTA is a movement to change the way public schools and public school employees are treated.


Science Teachers Association of Texas


STATIt is the mission of the Science Teachers Association of Texas (STAT) to build a community dedicated to advancing science teaching and learning.


In a way that:

  • Builds and strengthens networks for Texas educators
  • Disseminates current scientific research
  • Provides quality professional growth opportunities in content and pedagogy
  • Informs policy makers and the public regarding science education issues
  • Establishes STAT as a resource for science education; so that all students are scientifically and technologically literate, responsible, and productive citizens.

As adopted by the STAT Board of Directors on August 11, 2007


Journal of High School Research in Chemical Sciences


JHSRJHSR is a free, web-based, open-access journal published by The University of Texas at Arlington to highlight exceptional research achievements by high school students. It is an ideal, highly-visible venue for students participating in summer scholar programs, science fairs, and other similar activities to showcase their work.