I currently teach Biology of Birds (BIO 340L), an advanced undergraduate course with a strong emphasis on field identification and evolutionary ecology of birds. A weekly lab session involves bird identification (in the field and with prepared specimens), anatomy and data analysis. There are optional 1/2 day field trips most weeks and two weekend-long field trips to birding hotspots in Texas.
I am offering a new graduate class, Informatics and Data Analysis for the Biological Sciences (BIO 382K, topic 5), in the Fall of 2016 and continuing Fall semesters, possibly every-other-year. This course will teach students how to find, download, organize and query large environmental and biological datasets. The emphasis will be on large-scale climate, land-use and biodiversity inventory data. The course will be based on the R language and the PostgreSQL relational database system, including the PostGIS geospatial extension. While not specifically a statistics course, I will cover basic data analytical and modeling techniques with special topics on-demand. The course will be hands-on and project oriented.
I also teach Geospatial Data Analysis in R as part of UT's Summer Statistics Institute.
If you would like me to offer a course or workshop on-demand, please contact me. I can teach your organization how to write codes and models in R, C++, Rcpp, PostgreSQL and PostGIS.