Joining the lab

I am always on the lookout for talented students willing to tackle difficult technical probelms and develop their own research questions and field systems, or otherwise bridge the theoretical-empirical divide. I have had good success in training graduate students and helping them attain their professional goals. My students have been highly sought after for postdoctoral appointments (including the Michigan Fellows and the Columbia Earth Institute Fellows). I emphasize a three pronged approach combining modeling, statistics and empirical research. Graduate applications are typically due in December each year. Please try to visit us if you intend to apply!
Increasingly there are many undergradates working in the lab. If you are interested, please contact me anytime. Undergraduate research can apply for UT fellowships

Most of my students enter through our Graduate Program in Ecology, Evoution and Behavior. I also advise students in the Department of Statistics and Data Sciences. I am particularly interested in students who would like to combine the two programs. I have had good results advising students coming from a mathematics or physics background as well as students with biology undergraduate training, but that are interested in integrating modeling into their research.
I usually recruit 1 student per year. You can find additional information about the EEB Graduate Program here.