We are seeking applications from prospective graduate students interested in mathematical modeling of animal movement and social behavior. The successful candidate will join a collaborative effort between the labs of Tony Di Fiore, Mevin Hooten, and Timothy Keitt at the University of Texas at Austin. The project seeks to develop and estimate models that capture key features of primate space and resource utilization and social dynamics as recorded in observational studies conducted over several decades in the western Amazon. Highly motivated candidates with excellent quantitative skills and related research experience are especially welcome. Students interested in applying can send transcripts along with a brief statement of interest to tkeitt@utexas.edu.
Additional information about the Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior graduate program at UT Austin can be found at https://integrativebio.utexas.edu/eeb-graduate-program. Admission to the program comes with five full years of financial support including healthcare benefits.