We have been especially fortunate to benefit from the advice, support, and participation of the members of our Actuarial Studies Advisory Council. Students with questions about actuarial careers are encouraged to contact any of the listed members.
Actuarial Studies Advisory Council
Members of our Actuarial Studies Advisory Council are individuals who have an active interest in supporting and advising the UT Actuarial Program; individuals who have enough influence at their organization to make requests on behalf of UT Austin, such as supporting scholarships or case competitions; interested in attending the annual advisory board meetings in person (when the meeting is offered in person); and willing to voice their opinions and help shape the future of the UT Actuarial Program. Longhorn alumni are preferred, but this is not a requirement. If you would like to join our Actuarial Studies Advisory Council, please contact Mark Maxwell (maxwell@utexas.edu) and Alisa Walch (ahavens@math.utexas.edu).
Will Barnard, FSA, CERA - USAA Life Insurance, San Antonio, TX
Susan Buck, FSA, CERA - New York Life Insurance, Austin, TX
Rob Bumbarger - USAA P&C Insurance, San Antonio, TX
Jorge Cisneros, FSA, EZ - Willis Towers Watson, Dallas, TX
Keith Cruz, ASA - Gallagher, Houston, TX
Philip S. Dial, FSA- Rudd & Wisdom, Austin, TX
Miriam Fisk, FCAS - Texas Department of Insurance, Austin, TX
Jesus Flores-Komiyama, FSA, EA - Willis Towers Watson, Dallas, TX
Samantha Hart Maxam, ASA - Cigna, Austin, TX
Lillian Jersa, ASA, EZ - Willis Towers Watson, Dallas, TX
Kevin Kang, FSA - Transamerica, Plano, TX
Linda Konarik, ASA - New York Life, Houston, TX
CJ Manuel, ACAS - USAA P&C Insurance, Chattanooga, TN
Scott Merkord, FCAS - Risk & Regulatory Consulting, San Antonio, TX
Billy Onion, ACAS - Milliman, Dallas, TX
Aeron Riordon, ASA - Independent Actuaries, Inc., Portland, OR
Courtney Rohde, FCAS - USAA P&C Insurance, San Antonio, TX
Matt Samuel, ACAS - Milliman, Orange County, CA
Jake Stevens, ASA - Aon, Dallas, TX
Glenn Tobleman, FSA, FCAS - Lewis & Ellis, Richardson, TX