VTA CRF neurons mediate the aversive effects of nicotine withdrawal and promote intake escalation


Taryn E. Grieder, Melissa A. Herman, Candice Contet, Laura A. Tan, Hector Vargas-Perez, Ami Cohen, Michal Chwalek, Geith Maal-Bared, John Freiling, Joel E. Schlosburg, Laura Clarke, Elena Crawford, Pascale Koebel, Vez Repunte-Canonigo, Pietro P. Sanna, Andrew R. Tapper, Marisa Roberto, Brigitte L. Kieffer, Paul E. Sawchenko, George F. Koob, Derek van der Kooy, and Olivier George. “VTA CRF neurons mediate the aversive effects of nicotine withdrawal and promote intake escalation.” Nature Neuroscience, 17, 12, Pp. 1751–1758.