Facility Publications and Presentations


  • Spatial Multiplexing and Omics.  Carsten JL, Krishnan SN, Rao A, Sorace AG, Seeley EH, Ferri-Borgogno S, Burks JK. Nat Rev Methods Primers20244, 54.
  • Inhibition of Hepatic Oxalate Overproduction Ameliorates Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatohepatitis. Das S, Finney AC, Anand SK, Rohilla S, Liu Y, Pandey N, Ghrayeb A, Kumar D, Nunez, K, Liu Z, Arias F, Zhao Y, Pearson-Gallion BH, McKinney MP, Richard KSE, Gomez-Vidal JA, Abdulla CS, Cockerham ED, Eniafe J, Yurochko AD, Tarek Magdy, Pattillo CB, Kevil CG, Razani B, Bhuiyan MS, Seeley EH, Galliano GE, Wei B, Tan L, Mahmud I, Surakka I, Garcia-Barrio MT, Lorenzi PL, Gottlieb E, Salido E, Zhang J, Orr AW, Liu W, Diaz-Gavilan M, Chen YE, Dhanesha N, Thevenot PT, Cohen AJ, Yurdigal Jr A, Rom O. Nat Metab20246, 1932-1962.

Presentations and Posters