Sample Submission
Project Planning and Sample Submission
The Mass Spectrometry Imaging Facility performs Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization (MALDI) profiling and imaging of fresh frozen and formalin fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue sections. Additionally, profiling of biofluids, cell lines, and liquid biopsies can be performed as they pertain to the disease being studied. The MSI Facility is a Biosafety Level 2 laboratory and submitted samples must conform to BSL2 guidelines.
A mass spectrometry imaging or profiling project will begin with a consultation between the Investigator and Facility Personnel to discuss the goals of the study. During this consultation we will determine the optimal imaging instrument, the type(s) of biomolecules to be analyzed, the necessary spatial resolution, and the desired outcomes of the study. We will discuss how to collect and prepare samples to optimize the data quality obtained in an imaging experiment. As such, it is recommended to involve Facility Personnel as early as possible in the experimental design. The scope and cost of the study will be discussed.
Samples can be dropped off at the Facility (FNT B.101) by appointment. Please ensure that samples are given directly to Facility Personnel so that they can be properly stored. Human samples should be de-identified and not contain any Protected Health Information (PHI). Each sample should be clearly labeled with a code that can be tracked by the Investigator. Unlabeled or inadequately labeled samples will not be accepted. Frozen samples should be transported on dry ice to prevent thawing. FFPE tissues can be transported at room temperature. The Investigator should submit a sample submission form and a sample list (print and electronic) that contains the sample identifiers, species, tissue/fluid type, and group to which they belong (e.g. cancer vs normal, high grade vs low grade, etc.) as well as any other relevant information.
Frozen tissues must be supplied to the Facility as blocks, unless specific arrangements for sections have been agreed to in advance. FFPE tissue can be supplied as blocks or sections. If sections are to be submitted, instructions and special slides will be provided for proper collection of the samples. At the conclusion of the study, remaining samples will be returned to the investigator.