If you wish to participate in the workshop, you should register as soon as possible using the on-line registration form which is available here.
- Participants attending the Viet Nus 2017 workshop will pay the registration fee of $450 ($550 after June 1).
Participants attending BOTH the Viet Nus 2017 workshop AND the ICISE Neutrino physics conference July 16-22, 2017 (see http://vietnam.in2p3.fr/2017/neutrinos/practical.php#Registration) must register independently for the two events. The registration fee is then $450 ($550 after June 1) for the Viet Nus workshop and for the neutrino conference $350 ($420 after May 16). However, these participants will be reimbursed $100 at the conference upon arrival.
There is no fee for accompanying persons.
Payment can be made either
- on line (the preferred method); in that case, follow this link;
- or by cash at the conference site;
- or by interbank transfer; in that case, you should transfer the fee to the following bank; Please add $20 US for bank fees;
4 Place de la Poste
91440 Bures Sur Yvette, France
Bank Code: 10278, Branch: 06009
Account Number: 00020416302 Key: 41
IBAN: FR76 10278 0600 9000 2041 6302 41
The transfer should indicate clearly your name to identify the payee. Please inform the conference secretariat by fax or email that the transfer has been done. You should obtain proof of payment and hand it to the conference secretariat at the conference site. It will take at least four (4) weeks for our account to be credited, so please have the transfer made before June 9th, 2017.