
If you are a researcher, or just someone interested in data relevant to biodiversity and/or Waller Creek, we have useful links and information for you: 

  • Digital Repository: This is a digital archive of journal articles, dissertations, data sets, maps, news articles, blogs etc. related to Waller Creek. This is an ongoing effort and far from completion. 
  • iNaturalist: visual, photo-documented observations of plants and animals here contributed by anyone. 
  • Real-time: Here you can find real-time data about Waller Creek. We do not own or contribute to this data. 
  • Image archive: Here you can see our archive of images from the watershed.
  • Stream Temperature Monitoring: We deployed multiple HOBO tidbit dataloggers that collect temperature data along the length of the creek every 10 minutes.
  • History Timeline: This is a timeline of the most significant recorded events related to Waller Creek. The timeline will be constantly updated as we find important data.