In March 2016, Bill Carr of Acme Botanical Services surveyed vegetation along Waller Creek on the University of Texas campus. He documented more than 100 species of native, introduced, and exotic plant species.
March 2016 Vegetation Report | March 2016 Vegetation Data
Waller Creek is home to a wide variety of animal life, from large mammals to aquatic invertebrates. More than 300 individual animal species have been observed along this urban waterway.
Animal Species of Waller Creek
Synechococcus leopoliensis - a species of bacteria found in Waller Creek.
Chlorezlla sorokiniana - a species of bacteria isolated from Waller Creek in 1953. There have been 103 publications and 6 patents made from this species.
General information
The Great Plains Herbarium Consortium has also cataloged species found within a 10 mile radius of Waller Creek.
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