Getting Started

Once logged in you'll see a black Administrative Toolbar along the top of your browser window. Use the Administrative Toolbar to navigate to the various sections of the Control Panel.

user admin toolbar

The Control Panel serves as your main access point to changing settings, adding apps and general site building. By default a Control Panel menu will appear at the top of your site. This top tool bar allows for quick access to settings but can be disabled if you find it distracting. The Control Panel menu offers links to a number of administrative choices:

Content is the area where you can create, find and manage the content of your site. Options here are reflected by which apps you've enabled. For instance if you've enabled the "Media Gallery" app, you'll see Media Gallery listed in the content section. 

Build lets you manage and customize your site's apps, layout, menus and vocabularies.

Appearance lets you select a display theme.

Settings allow you to control various settings of your site, such as making your site private or configuring your site to integrate with 3rd party services.

People is where you can find and manage site members. 

Support is used when you want to send comments or report any problems you experience using your site to the CNS sites support team.

Add subsite will allow you to add a subsite or child site to your current site. 

Help will link you to help documentation .

Your User Name links to your OpenScholar account and will list all of the sites you are a member of.

Log Out link will log you out of your website.

Configuration Gear

Use these gears to configure the layout of the section or page you are on. These gears will also show up all over your site and are indications that you can edit or make changes.