
Texas Coast Warbler Count

Going birding? April 17th is the highest warbler count for High Island

November 18, 2022
I recently pulled the eBird dataset into postgresql and decided to look at which day of the year has the most recorded species in Parulidae. Its April 17th. This is for Chambers and Galveston counties that include Anahuac, the Bolivar, and Galveston Island. It turns out calculating warblers-per-minute effort is useless without doing rarefaction. The vast number of lists in April along the coast wash out any signal as you run out of warblers to see pretty quickly.

Biology of Birds spring 2022

June 9, 2022
We had another great semester of birding and taxon-focussed evolutionary ecology. A great group of students.

Texas Tropical Network

March 18, 2022
Erik Iverson and Brian Sedio have kicked of the Texas Tropical Network. I'm looking forward to it.
Green Jay

Green Jay western range limit

February 15, 2022
I recently banded two Green Jays in Del Rio, TX, which is the absolute western range limit. Beyond Del Rio, the habitat is mostly Chihuahuan desert and not suitable for the species. We'll have to see if they continue alogn the Rio Grande to the Big Bend area. 
Prof Keitt with motmot

Yucatan field work

January 27, 2022
PI Keitt spent several weeks catching birds in the Yucatan this winter as part of our ConTex-funded Geen Jay project. We bled 5 more jays brining our total to 7 for the region. We're now up to 30 blood samples in Texas.  Read more about Yucatan field work

Stengl-Wyer Postdoc

November 2, 2021



Recent Ph.D.s are invited to apply for distinguished postdoctoral positions to study the diversity of life and/or organisms in their natural environments at The University of Texas at Austin (UT), one of the top campuses in the country for this area of research.

Funded by the Stengl-Wyer Endowment, the Stengl-Wyer Scholars Program provides up to three years of support for talented postdoctoral researchers in the broad

Read more about Stengl-Wyer Postdoc

Postdoctoral Scholar – Climate change research

October 12, 2021

The Keitt Lab[1] at The University of Texas at Austin seeks a postdoctoral scholar to join our team. With funding through UT’s Bridging Barriers program[2], we are investigating how climate and landscape change is affecting the biogeography of species and communities across Texas and beyond.  Candidates with particular interests in geospatial analysis, environmental sensing, biodiversity conservation, and ecosystem services are particularly

Read more about Postdoctoral Scholar – Climate change research