
Brian Stokes

New lab member

September 10, 2021
Brian Stokes has joined the lab as a new gradaute student. He did his undergrad work at the University of Florida and has spend several year engaged in bird research. Picture is Brian banding green jays at Chaparral WMA in South Texas. Welcome Brian! Read more about New lab member
PT2050 Folks

Send off for Dave (Planet Texas 2050 Program Director)

May 26, 2021
It's been over a year since I first joined into the Planet Texas 2050 project and yesterday was the first time I had met many of my collaborators in person! What a year its been! We met to wish Dave Kramer, our earstwhile program director, happy travels and good luck in his new adventures in Boston. He was a great part of the project and will be missed.
Map of Texas

Postdoctoral Scholar – Climate change research

March 25, 2021

The Keitt Lab[1] at the University of Texas at Austin seeks a postdoctoral scholar to join our team. With funding through UT’s Bridging Barriers program[2], we are investigating how climate and landscape change is affecting the biogeography of species and communities across Texas and beyond.  Candidates with interests in landscape genetics, eco-evolutionary dynamics or near-term iterative forecasting are especially encouraged to apply.

Read more about Postdoctoral Scholar – Climate change research
Green Jay Banding

Choke Canyon Green Jay Banding

December 27, 2020
I was recently at Choke Canyon State Park and banded a couple of Green Jays. Extra bonus was seeing the Spotted Rail that has been hanging around in the park.

NSF Award

September 17, 2020
Our Mongolia project "CNH2-L: Using Sound to Advance Conceptual Frameworks of Resilience of Integrated Grassland-Pastoralist Systems" has been awarded by NSF. The project will examine resilience in the context of traditional ecologoical knowlege and soundscapes. This is in collaboration with folks at Purdue and Read more about NSF Award